On Sun, 2008-03-16 at 14:30 +0900, Adrian Chadd wrote: > > >>Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=0 > > This is a hint that squid is going to have to revalidate the object and > its almost guaranteed to try a revalidation request (if-none-match, if-modified-since, > etc.) It's worse. private: This response is private to a single user only, and a shared cache like Squid MUST NOT cache the response. must-revalidate: Before a stale cached copy of this object is used the server MUST be contacted to verify that it's still fresh. max-age=0: This object is immediately stale. The first applies to shared caches only (i.e. Squid). The second two to all forms of caches including browser caches. Date - Last-Modified = 0 seconds, which also hints to caches that the object should not be cached for long as it's changed right now. But at least there is no Expires header messing things up further... Regards Henrik