On Jul 29, 2007, at 3:02 PM, Michael Pye wrote:
Ricardo Newbery wrote:
I'm pretty sure entries are cached (and are purgeable) based on
the URL
coming into squid, not whatever squid rewrites it to.
No - they are cached as it states based on what URLs are rewritten to.
You have to be careful in reverse proxy setups if you are
attempting to
rewrite the URL to multiple back end web servers as you will probably
not get your intended behaviour. If you are trying to select mutliple
back end web servers using a rewriter you may want to look at using
cache_peer origin-server directives instead, which will keep the
URL the
Odd... I just ran a series of tests on a reverse-proxy setup using
url_rewrite_program to rewrite urls and the results don't appear to
confirm this.
Purges work with the incoming url. Purges don't work with the
outgoing url (or actually, the outgoing *path* fed into the squid
Am I misunderstanding something?