I've only been running this squid server for about a week so I doubt this is an unusual problem. Can anyone help?? More observations: 1- I suspect that this problem began when someone using my proxy was doing a "click on a bunch of sites to make money" type program. Now, when regular visitors are surfing through my squid, pages that I believe the user had visited are loading within iframes on random pages for other squid users - in fact, almost every page is loading the iframed websites, even if they are pages that the squid server doesn't have in cache and has never visited. 2- My original observation that hitting refresh would fix the problem is not true. The iframes can appear even after refreshing. 3- Some of the sites that appear in the iframes are "kikclick.com ovosearch.com 777seo.com". If you do a google search with that string, you'll see these sites in a bunch of other squid logs. I can't figure this out at all. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated :) ____________________________________________________________________________________Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. http://tv.yahoo.com/