I have finally got the Squid-2.6.STABLE7 working under Cygwin. While sieving through the previous posts in my mails. While doing so it struck my mind that Squid on Cygwin might be requesting the Bofi's Squid (Running on this SAME machine) (I go the Hint from the line : "*connection to Failed " in the error message that my browser gave). So, I configured Squid running under Cygwin to use the Bofi's Squid as Parent Cache as follows; # Set the relationship to a parent, and don't bother with ICP queries cache_peer 192.168.x.x parent 8080 3130 proxy-only no-query # Make sure ALL requests pass through parent never_direct allow all My requirement was to use two Squids in Parent-Child relationship on the same machine. This is achieved. But, I am surprised by this behaviour of Squid. Because on another machine on which a WindowsNT port of Acme Consulting and Cygwin port of Squid was running, both could work independently, and is still working (It is a P-III) machine. Could someone please suggest why can't my Squid under Cygwin succeed direct connection to the Internet? Why it tries to find a Parent Cache when it is not configured to do so? Regards On 22/07/07, Santosh Rani <santoshballey@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am running a copy of Squid on WindowsXP SP2. I am trying to run another copy of Squid under Cygwin on the same machine. Under Cygwin with squid-2.6.STABLE7, I am getting the following error in my cache.log; commSetNoLinger: FD 10: (109) Protocol not available In the browser, the error is: The following error was encountered: * Connection to Failed The system returned: (111) Connection refused The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again. Do I need to apply some patch? Please help. Regards