tis 2007-07-17 klockan 14:03 +0800 skrev Ming-Ching Tiew: > Anyone has experience with level 4 switch ? What is the working > principle of a level 4 in respect to redirecting web traffic to a cache > engine ? Does it do dst IP address rewrite ( iptables DNAT ) or > does it do dst MAC address rewrite ( ebtables dnat ) when redirecting > traffic to the cache engine ? Whatever, depending on the product and configuration. > Can I simulate a level 4 switch behaviour using Linux ? If yes, > any insight to the necessary ebtables/iptables rules ? Linux policy routing is an example of "layer 4". For load balancing see Linux Virtual Server / IPVS. Part of the linux kernel, and performs most of the forwarding choices you find in "layer 4 switches". http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/ Regards Henrik
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