ying lcs wrote:
On 7/11/07, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
tis 2007-07-10 klockan 21:27 -0500 skrev ying lcs:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to query if squid cache has entries (not expired) for a
> specified url?
Cache-Control: only-if-cached
Thanks. But I am looking for some command line interface which check
if squid cache has an entires in its squid cache for a particular url.
squidclient can be used for this.
# squidclient -H "Cache-Control: only-if-cached\n"
'http://www.freebsd.org/' | head -1 | awk '{ if ($2=="200") print
"cached!"; else print "not cached"; }'