On 5/22/07, Mark <markjwiltshire@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all, 2 quick questions, hopefully someone in the know can shed light on for me ...... I have a windows 2003 server machine running Apache 2.2.4, mediawiki 1.9.2 and Bugzilla 2.2 on MySQL 5.0.37 I would like to install Squid 2.6 (reverse proxy server) to improve the performance of the Wiki. 1) how can I configure Squid to allow but not cache the bugzilla pages I have followed the squid config on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Squid_caching
se the no_cache configuration directive.
2) If I did want to allow Squid to help improve performance of the bugzilla pages, how could I configure it to cache pages, but read back from bugzilla when they had been update (i.e. like Squid and the Wiki)
It's Bugzilla's responsibility to make sure that this happens. It's however quite likely that Bugzilla's pages would never get cached due to the defauilt no_cache settings (unless you've touched them). -- /kinkie