Hi all, 2 quick questions, hopefully someone in the know can shed light on for me ...... I have a windows 2003 server machine running Apache 2.2.4, mediawiki 1.9.2 and Bugzilla 2.2 on MySQL 5.0.37 I would like to install Squid 2.6 (reverse proxy server) to improve the performance of the Wiki. 1) how can I configure Squid to allow but not cache the bugzilla pages I have followed the squid config on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Squid_caching 2) If I did want to allow Squid to help improve performance of the bugzilla pages, how could I configure it to cache pages, but read back from bugzilla when they had been update (i.e. like Squid and the Wiki) Many thanks Mark