On Thu, May 17, 2007, Henrik Nordstrom wrote: > ons 2007-05-16 klockan 14:50 -0800 skrev Chris Robertson: > > Omar M wrote: > > > What do you mean by "full path"? Using the path on the file system to > > include images and/or CSS is not going to work (nor would it work on a > > web server). You need to host them on a web server and reference the > > full URL. Relative links won't work with Squid, though the referenced > > elements will be cached if possible. > > Well, it is technically possible to have Squid host them. Just requires > a little trickery in mime.conf. > > After the last line in mime.conf, add dummy entries for your additional > files you'd like Squid to host. They will all be in the icons folder > > http://your.squid.server:port/squid-internal-static/icons/filename Actually, I wrote an evil! article about this a while ago! http://www.creative.net.au/evil/squid_error_image_pages.shtml I'd put it into the Wiki but I don't really think its the type of thing that we should have documented as 'Official'. Personally I'd just install thttpd on a server, bind to an IP on port 80, and reference that.. Adrian