We are having some problems making specific acls in our reverse proxy
We need to have a URL resource which should be accessed via HTTPS, not HTTP.
acl segura url_regex -i ^https://www.accelserver.es/prueba_seguro/
acl nosegura url_regex -i ^http://www.accelserver.es/prueba_seguro/
http_access allow segura
http_access deny nosegura all
And the result is that the URL resource is always denied, We have seen
on the reverse proxy logs that the request arrives always as http,
though we request it via https.
From the client.
#wget --no-check-certificate https://www.accelserver.es/prueba_seguro/
On the reverse proxy log.
client - - [07/Mar/2007:17:16:43 +0100] "GET
http://www.accelserver.es/prueba_seguro/ HTTP/1.0" 403 3597 TCP_DENIED:NONE
Why is the proxy log request HTTP when we request with HTTPS?
Emilio C.