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squid develope

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i am a programmer and i am going work on linux more 5 year
now,i want develope squid for this operation
i want squid add a custome HTML code to TOP of all website,it is mean when
a user request a website,squid add my custome html code to top of this
website and show it with main website to user.
it must doing only for html files on port 80 and not for other files
example .rar or .exe
before,i do this operation with a redirector program and redirect urls to
a program example  phpproxy pr cgiproxy and add my custom html with this
programs but it doesn't work with all websites and not correct for all
sites,i think do this operation with change squid source code and
recompile it,if i can do this work with change squid code,it worl with all
please help me

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