Hey guys, I'm a new squid user, and have set up squid as a reverse proxy. I've searched on google, in the wiki, and in the mailing lists for an answer to this problem, but haven't found anything... It took me a bit to figure out what was going on. At first I thought it was squid doing it, but then after some heavy-duty research, I found out that it was apache I'm running squid and apache on a single server, running squid on port 80, and apache on port 81. The problem I *was* experiencing is this: When the URL http://mydomain.com/admin is requested, the apache server sends back a 301 redirect to http://mydomain.com/admin/ (it adds a trailing slash). However, when this happens, apache ended up changing the redirect so that it looks like this: http://mydomain.com:81/admin/ So, in case anyone is having this problem, I solved this by doing the following: In httpd.conf, I have the following: --- Port 80 Listen 81 UseCanonicalName On --- That makes apache LISTEN on port 81, but "pretends" it's on port 80 for when it rewrites the URLs. UseCanonicalName On makes it aware that it has to use the Port setting to rewrite the URL with. Then, in the virtualhost section, it looks like this: --- NameVirtualHost *:81 <VirtualHost *:81> Port 80 . . . </VirtualHost> --- That will allow the VirtualHost to work the same way. And that's all there is to it! I hope this helps someone! :) Dave