Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tor 2006-11-23 klockan 18:17 -0700 skrev Sherwood Botsford:
#Block MS Internet explorer
acl browsers.bad browser "/etc/squid/browsers.bad"
http_access deny browsers.bad lab
http_access deny browsers.bad laptops
deny_info ERR_NOEXPLORER browsers.bad
deny_info matches the LAST acl on the http_access deny line which denied
the request. I.e. lab or laptops above..
Change your http_access lines to have the brosers.bad acl last and the
results will be better.
Thanks, Henrik, This solved the problem.
How would you do a custom message that depended on two acl's?
(Would anyone want to? Playing around, the present rules allow
most combinations to be specified with the "use the last acl on
the deny line" )