tor 2006-10-19 klockan 14:45 +0200 skrev Marco Berizzi: > Ok, but my linux kernel has been built with epoll support. Well.. the error message says with no doubt "the running kernel does not implement the called function". It could also be your libc lying to you defining the function but always returning "not implemented" without trying to call the syscall, but I very much doubt this is the case as glibc versions without epoll support doesn't even define the function. An "strace /path/to/sbin/squid -DNYCd1" will tell which is the case if you are in doubt. If strace sees a epoll syscall with a ENOSYS then libc implements the function but not the kernel. If you see no epoll syscall but still Squid complains then your libc is lying about epoll support. > glibc on slackware 10.1 doesn't support epoll so configure should > complain. Right? You won't be able to compile Squid with epoll in such case. Even if configure didn't complain linking the binary would fail. Linking Squid with epoll support requires either epoll support in libc or the separate libepoll library. Regards Henrik
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