mån 2006-10-16 klockan 10:14 -0400 skrev Nguyen, Khanh, INFOT: > I have squid 2.6 on Linux OS. The squid cache is configured in reverse > proxy mode, means each domain has a mapping web server for objects > retrieval. For example: objects of www1.mycompany.com will be fetched > from websever1.mycompany.com, objects of www2.mycompany.com will be > fetched from webserver2.mycompany.com ... Ok. > For domains that are NOT configured in the cache server, the squid > cache uses first_up_parent, sometime webserver1.mycompany.com, other > time webserver2.mycompany.com. Not in the setups I have done. I end up in "cannot forward request". How have you configured the mapping above? The 2.6 supposed way is to use cache_peer + cache_peer_access (or cache_peer_domain). Regards Henrik
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