I want to setup squid (on Linux) in a windows environment. Basic ADS authentication has been completed successfully. I have different classes of users - managers, assistant managers, executives, agents etc. I want to know if this is possible: If a user belongs to a group called SQUID-MANAGERS on the ADS, can he get manager internet privileges through squid? I mean I would define the policy for the group SQUID-MANAGERS in squid. The purpose of doing this would be that I do not need to update squid config files regularly and SQUID-<POLICY> rights a given/revoked when I UserID is created/deleted. I plan to install dansguardian also over squid. (Though I don't know the specifics of dansguardian, I wanted to know the possibilities before I go ahead) Thanks, Navin J. Disclaimer: Information transmitted by this e-mail is proprietary to Adventity and/ or its Customers, intended for use only by the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient or it appears that this mail has been forwarded to you without proper authority, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this information in any manner is strictly prohibited. In such cases, please notify us immediately at postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx and delete this mail from your records.