Hello! In addition to my previous letter. I've tried squid-3 (PRE4) delay pools of class 4. I was not lucky :-) There was no bandwith limit. I've included the following lines into my squid-3 squid.conf: acl vit ident vit http_access allow vit ident_lookup_access allow all delay_pools 1 delay_class 1 4 # pool 1 is a class 4 pool delay_access 1 allow vit delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 6000/6000 What is/are my mistake(s)? Thank you beforehand. > Hello! > > I am trying to utilize delay pools of class 2 at per-user basis. All users are unix (localhost) users. They are identified by ident acl, for example: > > acl vit ident vit > > To turn the delay pools on I've included the following lines into squid.conf: > > delay_pools 1 > delay_class 1 2 > delay_access 1 allow vit > delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 3000/3000 > > But delay pools do not work for me! > > I'm sure that user vit is identified by squid. Because if I include the line 'http_access deny vit' into squid.conf, > squid denies access for (and only for) user vit. > > I've read a lot of manuals related to delay pools and it seems to me, they work only if squid clients are connected to squid from the different IP > addresses (different machines). Am I right? > > Have I any chances to solve my problem? What are the "class 4" delay pools which are intoduced in squid-3? Can this new feature be useful for me? > > Thank you beforehand! > -- > Sincerely yours, Vitaly Repin > Ice Brains Software, ltd -- Sincerely yours, Vitaly Repin Ice Brains Software, ltd