lör 2006-09-09 klockan 10:20 -0700 skrev Mark Nottingham: > I've seen a few questions WRT httpd_accel_with_proxy and 2.6, but > they seem to be centred around interception proxying. It's by far the most common use of httpd_accel_* in 2.5, despite it's name. > Does 2.6 have the ability to replicate the original purpose of the > option -- running a proxy and an accelerator on the same http_port? Using the transparent option should work to about the same level you had in 2.5. You won't be able to use all the new features, but.. The transparent option is more or less equal to the following in 2.5: httpd_accel_host virtual httpd_accel_port 80 httpd_accel_uses_host_header on httpd_accel_with_proxy on If you can I strongly recommend splitting the two functions on different http_port's, or maybe even split it on two different Squid instances (simplifies access controls significantly). Regards Henrik
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