Hey everyone, I was curious, ive been looking over some projects to maintain squid log files, and I havent found one I really like and has the functionality that I am looking for. Here is what i would like: Dynamic Reports (almost live, not such a big deal, but nice to have) Database Driven Able to handle a very large number of requests (log file is somewhere around 350mb per day, with 1.6million records, which is why dynamic live logging to a database is nice) Able to do audits on certain ip addresses Able to keep a large database (records must be kept somewhere around 30-60 days and able to be searched) Able to search by keywords Ive looked at mysar, i liked it a lot, but my log file is aparantly not good enough because it errors out at about 1/3 through the report. Ive also looked at srg and sarg, but they do not have the functionality that I am looking for. Web based is very nice, a big plus item because the lesser the people with console ssh access, the better. thanks --adam E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized county official. If you have received this communication in error , please do not distribute it. Please notify the sender by E-mail at the address shown and delete the original message. Thank you