2006/5/3, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
ons 2006-05-03 klockan 10:35 +0200 skrev Aurélien Bras:
> "If you add a no_cache rule after Squid has been running for a while,
> the cache may contain
> some objects that match the new rule. Prior to Squid Version 2.5,
> these previously cached
> objects might be returned as cache hits. Now, however, Squid purges
> any cached response for a request that matches a no_cache rule."
Yes, but this doesn't mean the cached content will be purget. Only that
requests matching your no_cache rules will not look into the cache and
their result will not be cached.
No cache is purged, look to my log :
->First request
1146745266.588 RELEASE 00 0000204F AA8AC03B1ACE9A8F8470E0F95CBCD76A
200 1146739503 1114463202 1146739514 image/gif 1155/1155 GET
1146745266.588 SWAPOUT 00 00002050 AA8AC03B1ACE9A8F8470E0F95CBCD76A
200 1146745255 1114463202 1146745266 image/gif 1155/1155 GET
<Now I add no_cache deny all and I reload Squid>
->Second request
1146745417.667 RELEASE 00 00002050 AA8AC03B1ACE9A8F8470E0F95CBCD76A
? ? ? ? ?/? ?/? ? ?
1146745417.807 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF A0FCCD89C704722DD9D1E594F7868C0B
200 1146745406 1114463202 1146745417 image/gif 1155/1155 GET