---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Aurélien Bras <aurelien.bras@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 4 mai 2006 11:18 Subject: Re: acl and cache To: Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2006/5/3, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
ons 2006-05-03 klockan 14:38 +0200 skrev Aurélien Bras: > Oh I understand it's only a header, this is why there is text/html, so > it's work fine :D. Well, there shouldn't be text/html on an gif image. This indicates the web server is slightly broken..
Strange, my first request give : TCP_MISS/200 1466 GET $URL - DIRECT/ image/gif TCP_MISS/200 1546 GET $URL - FIRST_UP_PARENT/ image/gif And the second give : TCP_MISS/304 232 GET $URL - DIRECT/ text/html TCP_REFRESH_HIT/200 1544 GET $URL - FIRST_UP_PARENT/ text/html Indeed, with another file I have the same mime type for the first request (MISS) and for the second (TCP_REFRESH_HIT). The gif should be broken, you are right. Just to be sure, I have made test on one file which give one time a refresh_hit and one time a refresh_miss. with TCP_REFRESH_HIT, I have an average of 400ms with TCP_REFRESH_MISS, I have an average of 800ms My average ping on the server is 190ms. I have a SWAPOUT entry only for TCP_REFRESH_MISS. So I think TCP_REFRESH_HIT use the cache. Is it normal to have only 400ms between a hit and a miss, am I on the good way with my test ? Thanks. Aurélien.