Thank you for the advice Vince. I received before similar advice from Henrik Nordstrom and already tested the https_port directive with Apache. It worked really easy. The only thing that missed is Squid's capability to provide pass phrase for the private encrypted key at the start up. Apache does that. Dimitar Vince Hillier <vince@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 04/20/2006 11:12 PM To DGeorgie@xxxxxxxxx cc squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject Re: ssl port 443 DGeorgie@xxxxxxxxx wrote: >I am following up on Merton's email. We have Squid working as a reverse >proxy in our environment and would like to add SSL for secure >authentication of the users. The regular HTTP traffic is not encrypted. > >I couldn't find much help on configuring Squid with SSL beside the >reference about https_port directive. Could anyone provide an example of >using the SSL directives in Squid? > Hi Dimitar, Simply compile squid with "--enable-ssl" and then add the following to your squid.conf: https_port cert=/usr/local/squid/etc/ssl/ key=/usr/local/squid/etc/ssl/