On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 09:14 -0600, Jim Mainock wrote: > We are currently running squid 2.5 using ncsa_auth to authenticate users. We > would like to be able to allow internet access to specific urls by users in > a department. My thought was to create a file containing userids for each > department then another file containing urls for each depart they can > access. How can I create an acl that will test if the user is in a > particular department. I've seen examples using ident but can this be done > using ncsa_auth? Any help would be appreciated. > yes acl dept1_sites dstdomain .foo.com .bar.com acl dept1_users proxy_auth user1 user2 user3 acl dept2_sites dstdomain .gazonk.com .baz.com acl dept2_users proxy_auth user4 user5 user6 http_access allow http dept1_sites dept1_users http_access allow http dept2_sites dept2_users etc. Also see http://squidwiki.kinkie.it/SquidFaq/SquidAcl Kinkie