Hi there everyone! I'm having a problem regarding my squid configuration. I read on the Visolve site that Squid reads the squid.conf line by line and that when it encounters a blocking line, it blocks but passes on through reading subsequent lines. And when it finds a line that matches a permission, stops right away. My problem is that, based on this, I wrote all of my blocking rules above the permissive lines and all has been working fine util this problem I went through yesterday. I have a file called bad_strings.acl wich has a lot of words for squid to block (i.e. hacker, cracker, serialz, warez etc). And I have a file of permitted URL's (permitted.acl) wich contains URL's that should be Ok to access. The problem is that I tried to access www.hackerwatch.org yesterday and the hit was blocked. Anyway it should because hackerwatch has the string hacker on the URL. So I added www.hackerwatch to the permitted.acl (remember that squid reads all the blocking rules but passes on until it finds a positive) and still the site is being blocked. Can somebody help me out? Thanks a lot!