i want to patch my squid 2.5.9-10 with the follow_xff patch.
Im using Debian Sarge and did the following:
1. apt-get source squid
2. download the patch into the squid-2.5.9 Dir
3. patch -p 0 < follow_xff-2.5.patch
4. ./bootstrap.sh ( before i had to install autoconf2.13 and automake1.5)
when bootstrap.sh works i get error messages like:
configure.in:1402: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow
cross compiling
configure.in:1783: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default to allow
cross compiling
and there are a lot of them.
what went wrong?
is the way of patching this squid version wrong?
thanks for your help