Look into SquidGuard or DansGuardian and: http://www.squid-cache.org/related-software.html Tim David Lynum <dlynum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 01/10/2006 01:13:45 PM: > Dear List, > > I've created ACL's in squid to keep my users from going to certain > websites during certain parts of the day. The acl's are working just > fine. But is there a way to kick those same users off of these acl > restricted sites if they already happen to be on the site when the acl > kicks in? Let's say the the acl restricts users from visiting a > particular website from 4PM-6PM. If the users are already on the site > at 3:59PM, once 4PM hits, so far they're still able to browse the site. > Of course once they leave the site they can't get back in though until > after 6PM. > > Thanks, > > David > [attachment "dlynum.vcf" deleted by Tim Rainier/KAL/Kalsec]