Hi, You can simply make use of alias. For example to open your squid.conf file with vim you can define an alias in your bash as follow: alias edit-squid="vim /path/to/squid.conf" then by enetring edit-squid in command line you can edit your squid.conf from any path. To make this alias permanet put it in .bashrc in your home directory. For other shells you should follow similar way. --- kashif Mazhar <kaashifmazhar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello all, > > I want to know how can i run squid while sitting at > any path..means > mostly squid system files are placed at > /usr/local/squid/etc/....squid.conf > > Now i want to open squic.conffrom any path like > sitting at /home > folder..i know it is possible..with some script but > how to and whats > process..i dont know...? > > Regards, > ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs