but that's impossible: As you can see from our current stats, the cache has been up and running for 3 weeks now. the number increases and decreases during the day. now it's monday morning and the number has increased from 6911 earlier today to 8080 at the moment. at night the number will decrease again. the webalizer running on the same machine says, that there have been 1.697.571 visitors since august 1st. so my guess is still: 60 minutes for the "number of clients accessing cache" am I wrong? Jose-external wrote: > yes ,no error, > > Number of clients accessing cache is amount by IP ADDRESS Statistic > .from starting.. > > General Runtime Information is equal to info_get in squid.you can > view this code in stat.c > > it's value is storage in statCounter struct.and statCounter > never is set zero.except restart or reconfigure. > -- Mit freundlichem Gruß Henrik Steffen Geschäftsführer top concepts Internetmarketing GmbH Am Steinkamp 7 - D-21684 Stade - Germany -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.topconcepts.de Tel. +49 1805 9977 501* mail: steffen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fax. +49 1805 9977 502* -------------------------------------------------------- SMS Versand ab 9.9 Cent: http://sms-gw.topconcepts.de -------------------------------------------------------- Handelsreg.: AG Tostedt HRB 100687 - UstId: DE 213645563 -------------------------------------------------------- *) EUR 0,12/Min. (CNS24)