Hello... On 23.07 20:32, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote: > I need to show users a "welcome" page before they start browsing. on page > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=squid-users&m=108255434319738&w=2 > I found out some hints/settings (thanks Henrik) and set it up in my browser, > although with small changes: > > external_acl_type session ttl=300 negative_ttl=0 children=1 %SRC /usr/lib/squid/redirect.nextra > > acl session external session > acl to_nextra url_regex ^http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] > deny_info http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] > > http_access allow to_nextra > http_access allow session > http_access deny all > > However this http_access directives did not work. It didn't work - requests > were denied. I wonder, because I found out that this configuration works: > > http_access deny !to_nextra !session > http_access allow all Now, when using FireFox, I see also a problem: 1122372678.313 3 TCP_DENIED/302 438 GET http://fxfeeds.mozilla.org/rss20.xml - NONE/- text/html 1122372678.341 0 TCP_DENIED/302 438 GET http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] - NONE/- text/html 1122372678.361 20 TCP_DENIED/302 438 GET http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] - NONE/- text/html 1122372678.365 3 TCP_DENIED/302 438 GET http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] - NONE/- text/html 1122372678.426 50 TCP_DENIED/302 438 GET http://www.nextra.sk/[deleted] - NONE/- text/html and the requested URL is the same as specified in deny_info and to_nextra. It seems like squid didn't allow it, but according to acl/http_access settings, it should be allowed, shouldn't it? -- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. WinError #98652: Operation completed successfully.