Hi, I'm running Squid 2.4 on a FreeBSD machine. Two days ago, i've configured IPSec for my wireless LAN. So i have a wired LAN and a secure wireless LAN. Squid runs on the wired LAN as a transparent proxy. The clients on the network will be always redirect through the proxy, even they have no proxy server configured. It works great. The configuration for ipnat (to redirect HTTP traffic through Squid) is: rdr sis0 0/0 port 80 -> port 3128 tcp sis0 = wired LAN interface on FreeBSD server. I want to configure this also for the wireless LAN. But i think it's a problem because the wireless LAN is secured by IPSec. The IP header en body are encrypted with AH and ESP. When i run tcpdump on the unsecured (no IPSec) wired LAN, i see this: 19:43:04.275456 PIV-2400.epauli.dyndns.org.36704 > www.xs4all.nl.http: F 2306:2306(0) ack 25327 win 14060 <nop,nop,timestamp 25426808 442068678> (DF) 19:43:04.275479 www.xs4all.nl.http > PIV-2400.epauli.dyndns.org.36704: . ack 2307 win 65535 <nop,nop,timestamp 442068680 25426808> (DF) Ipnat (i use that for redirection HTTP traffic on port 80 through Squid) can handle that traffic, because source and destination adress and portnumbers are viewable. When i run tcpdump for the secured connection, the only thing i can see is ESP encrypted traffic and the source and destination IPv4-adress and no portnumbers. 19:41:35.457404 > AH(spi=0x04572f8e,seq=0xc3a0): ESP(spi=0x06211586,seq=0xc3a0) (DF) 19:41:35.465699 > AH(spi=0x0eda8b37,seq=0x164bc): ESP(spi=0x077870a2,seq=0x164bc) 19:41:35.468010 > AH(spi=0x04572f8e,seq=0xc3a1): ESP(spi=0x06211586,seq=0xc3a1) (DF) 19:41:35.475919 > AH(spi=0x0eda8b37,seq=0x164bd): ESP(spi=0x077870a2,seq=0x164bd) I think it's not possible to transparent redirect traffic to Squid, when IPSec is used, because no traffic data is available. True or not true? Can someone tell me how i can redirect traffic through Squid, on a IPsec secured (wireless) LAN? Thanks! -- Edwin Pauli