Yohoo! We need to split our downloads to two IP-adresses. Via address 1 should go the "normal" hhtp-requests. But if there are filesizes from 50MB and up, we want to use the other IP-address. Ehm, I'll try to explain it again ;) Our organisation does a virusscan at the internetborder (via MS-ISA and Viruswall). Our first IP-address is redirected (transparent Proxy) to this scannerbox. Our second IP-address is free of this limitation. Because there is some trouble with the Viruswall in downloading large Files (eg. iso-images and so on), we can use the second IP to download without virusscan. There is the possibility to install a second squid and to switch the browser in this case. Better would be, if one of the squid could decide of this switch. The browser should request a file. The first squid looks at the filsize. If it is lower than 50MB, it will get the file from the Viruswall (the normal way), if it ist greater it will get the file from the second squid (without virusscan). Did you understand, what I mean? Is there anybody out here, who can tell me how to realise this problem with squid? Is it possible? THX in advance.