Hi all. I've experience a problema accessing a pjpeg image through my squid proxy server: the image loads correctly only up to 75-80% , but not completely ! My setup is: A. linux slackware 10.0 B. Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE5-20040308 C. configure options: --prefix=/usr/local/squid --enable-dependency-tracking --enable-gnuregex --enable-carp --with-pthreads --with-aio --enable-icmp --enable-delay-pools --enable-useragent-log --enable-referer-log --enable-arp-acl --enable-htcp --enable-ssl --enable-default-err-language=Italian --enable-basic-auth-helpers=NCSA --enable-x-accelerator-vary D. ncsa_auth is configured I've experiencing problems using squid and trying to access a PHP page that shows a progressiive Jpeg image. Only fews notes: - the mime.conf file doesn't contain a 'image/pjpeg' entry: shouldn't it be there? - the PHP page from server is the following <tr> <td CLASS=tabellabordatab><a href="#" onclick="open('/filename.php?id=123456&t=Tablename','Relata','toolbar=no,men ubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=450,width=750,top=30,left=30');" TITLE="TITLE"><img src="/filename.php?id=1234565&t=Tablename&nl=60&na=40" BORDER="0"></A></td> <td background="/immagini/ombradx.gif" VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"><img src="/immagini/ombradxi.gif"></td> </tr> Someone working on the web server told me that the returned Pjpeg image has no extension. I think this can cause a problema because no mime type is configured and no extension filename can be obtained Is there anyone who experienced such a problem? TIA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Davide Marzaloni Technical Division - ADA Consulting S.r.l. via Piave, 7 - 47822 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) Office phone: +39 0541 326155 Office fax: +39 0541 689284 Radiomobile: +39 348 2494027 e-mail: dmarzaloni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web site: http://www.adaconsulting.net