On Sun, 20 Mar 2005, David I Merchant-Dei Merchant-Dest wrote:
I am a LINUX newbe, I finally got my RED Hat 6.1 release operating system 2.2.12 up and running, I have installed Apache server set up to run virtual hosts, of course I have one static ip, and 75 domains. I want to know if using Squid as a proxy server would take each domain and convert it into a different internal IP so I can setup my virtual hosting, please advise. I hope I am not out in left field.
Yes, Squid can be set up as a reverse proxy acting as a vhost frontend to any number of internal web servers.
Apache also have very good vhost support allowing a single IP to host any number of domains.
Or in other words, you only need Squid in this picture if you want to run the web server on some internal server, not directly connected to Internet. If Apache runs on the Internet connected server then Apache can do this job directly.
Regards Henrik