** Reply to note from Carles gine <carles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Thu, 24 Feb 2005 23:19:30 +0100 > From: Carles gine <carles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Thu, > 24 Feb 2005 23:19:30 +0100 Subject: [squid-users] squid in schoool > > Hello every one. > > I need to put squid in a local shool and i need to filter de content of the web traffic. > > Can some one recomended any soft ? Here is my first effort at configuring squid to control which web sites students may access. My logic is that by allowing only .gov and .edu domains; plus urls specified in the whilelist file, I am reasonably assured of suitable content. # TAG: acl # TAG: http_access acl all src acl munro src acl OK dstdom_regex -i \.gov \.edu acl whitelist dstdomain -i "e:\firewall\squid258\etc\whitelist" http_access allow munro OK http_access allow munro whitelist acl every dst http_access deny every # TAG: http_reply_access http_reply_access allow munro http_access deny all