well, after watch the cache.log a get this for the Invalid Response..
2005/02/21 17:24:05| ctx: exit level 0
2005/02/21 17:24:05| urlParse: Illegal character in hostname 'night_wolf.weblogger.terra.com.br'
2005/02/21 17:24:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://www.iiisci.org/cisci2005/Reviewers/download.asp?aux1=C170JB'
2005/02/21 17:24:18| WARNING: found two conflicting content-length headers
so.. i recompile squid 2.5.8 to accept underscores.... and now i get only
2005/02/21 19:26:25| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://www.iiisci.org/cisci2005/Reviewers/download.asp?aux1=C170JB'
2005/02/21 19:26:25| WARNING: found two conflicting content-length headers
now, with the version 2.5.4, all works "fine", i assume that now the new version is more strict with the headers, (good for me) but there is a way to workaround this issue??
"La juventud envejece, la inmadurez se supera, la ignorancia puede ser educada y la borrachera se pasa; pero la estupidez es para siempre" Aristofanes
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