On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 9:58 AM Néfix Estrada <nefixestrada@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello! I'm currently writting a Spice client in Typescript that makes
use of modern browser features (such as WebGPU, WebUSB, Web workers, etc).
However, I'm struggling with the Image image encoding. I've checked the
whole documentation site, but I wasn't able to find how each one of the
encoding works. My knowledge in both audio and video encoding is very
limited. Specifically:
There is not much documentation about image encoding.
At the top of common/quic.c there are these two lines:
// Red Hat image compression based on SFALIC by Roman Starosolski
// http://sun.iinf.polsl.gliwice.pl/~rstaros/sfalic/index.html
// http://sun.iinf.polsl.gliwice.pl/~rstaros/sfalic/index.html
- LZ (and all its variants)
I've been trying to understand them from the spice-common project, but
it's just the implementation without any type of docs :(
Another question I had is if there's another way of comunication or a
place where I can shoot questions about the implementation
I think sending an email to this mailing list is fine.
There is also an IRC channel.
Kind Regards,
Also, I'm planning on gifting the client to the spice project, if you
would be interested in! (given that you already have a JS project)
Thanks in advance!
Néfix Estrada