Hi Frediano, thanks for having a look into this. > ... > Did you mean something like https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/spice/x11spice > ? Maybe, thanks. I will have a closer look. We are on windows though. > Which OS and why not VNC and RDP if you are not using Qemu? Long story. We have a Windows base robot controller that will be Linux based in the next controller generation. The controller is rendering the GUI and it is transferred from the Display-Port output to the operator panel with a proprietary hardware over fiber. Now we are designing a new operator panel that should display the GUI and get it from the controller with a remote desktop protocol. For our prototype we are using VNC and it works alright but the performance is limited. There is also no option to connect USB-drives from the ope rator panel to the controller via VNC. RDP might work, but a showstopper is, that the local console gets locked. We are using the local console to connect a second display. Spice looks extremely promising because it is really cross platform, has no local console lock, offer USB forwarding and seems to perform nicely. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards Dirk Eibach _________________________________ CARL CLOOS SCHWEISSTECHNIK GMBH Softwareentwickler / AU-EW Softwaredeveloper / AU-EW Hauptverwaltung/Headquarters: Carl-Cloos-Strasse 1 Zentrallager/Central Warehouse: Carl-Cloos-Strasse 6 35708 Haiger Germany Tel: +49 2773 85-888 E-Mail: mailto:dirk.eibach@xxxxxxxx Internet: http://www.cloos.de/ Sitz der Firma/Headquarters: 35708 Haiger, Germany Amtsgericht/Lower district court: Wetzlar HR B 3052 Geschäftsführer/Management: Stephan Pittner (CEO), Alexander Veidt (CFO)