As you said, Xspice can work an physical machine and user can access the machine remotely.
X11vnc provides the remote access too. Other kind of VNC implements like tightVNC, realVNC,
ultraVNC have the capability for users on different OS platform. However, is there any test data
which could give the performance of those different solutions. I am curious which one is the best.
Could you please help to give me some instructions?
Thanks a lot.
John Jiang
------------------------------------------------------------------发件人:Pedro Francisco <pedrogfrancisco@xxxxxxxxx>发送时间:2015年3月11日(星期三) 01:06收件人:spice-devel <spice-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>抄 送:jpc00939 <jpc00939@xxxxxxxxxx>主 题:Re: [Spice-devel] Question about remote access for a physical machineOn Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 1:11 PM, jpc00939 <jpc00939@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am very curious about wether the feature that remote access for the
> physical machine is included.
> I have got some problem right now in remote access for physical machine.
> Hope that spice can work.
> If it is convienent for you. Thanks for replying me to give some
> information. I will be appricate.
Yes, it is possible.
You'll have to login via SSH, for example, and start a X user session
within your login.
You cannot share a physical and virtual console, as you can with x11vnc [1].
So, for Xspice on a 'physical' host it would be something like this
(do note: I'm writing this by memory, some errors may exist).
Xspice --disable-ticketing :3 --port 6000 --deferred-fps 15
DISPLAY=:3 dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session
Brief notes:
* uptime of Xspice appeared to not be infinite, around 1 week
* you'll have no 3D acceleration.
* you can try to have 3D accelleration playing with VirtualGL, but I
only got graphics corruption.
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