Hi, my name is Cristian.
I have a problem trying to create a virtual machine with spice by
virt-install command in ubuntu-14.04
the command is:
virt-install --name winxp --hvm --vcpus --ram 750 --disk
/home/cristian/winxp.img,size=10 --noautoconsole --graphics
spice,port=5910,listen= --cdrom=/home/cristian/Desktop/Windowsxp.iso
This command I used in ubuntu 12.10 and it worked.
But in Ubuntu 14.04 it gives me this problem:
"ERROR unsuported configuration: spice TLS port set in XML
configuration, but TLS is disabled in qemu.conf"
the machine is not created and the installation fails Domain.
Help me please, thanks in advance.
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