Hello, This is a patch for the cg6 frame buffer which adds hardware accelerated con_bmove function (bit blitter). It is used for some functions like bash line editing and under vim, but it is not used to scroll the screen by default. I forced it to be used for scrolling (not included in the patch) but the speed of scrolling with blitter is twice slower. I will look into it. I tested it on SS20 with two SuperSparcs. I would like to hear a feedback from someone with Ultrasparc system and cgsix. I also found that the sbusfb driver uses only 1024x864 pixels for the framebuffer area leaving a margin around. The 2.6.15 kernel has not any margin. Is it a good idea to get rid of it for the 2.4 and have more characters on the frame buffer? I also saw the cgsix driver is included into OpenSolaris. I didn't look into it so this is my question. How can I look into the OpenSolaris driver for the cgix and be able to wrote something for the linux kernel? (It can be done through another person if needed). Regards, Krzysztof PS. The patch has also some formating changes. ---------------------------------------------------- Gdy nadchodzi przełomowy moment w historii, musisz zdecydować, po czyjej stronie będziesz. "X-Men: Ostatni bastion" - w kinach od 26 maja. http://klik.wp.pl/?adr=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.x-men.wp.pl&sid=763
Description: Binary data