You may want to look into Octave which is like a free version of Matlab I use it to batch process / create 1000's of audio files at once. The time this takes will vary on the length and bit rate of your file.
On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Dr. Mark Bugeja MD <marcusfb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am able to process these files with Sony Soundforge. This software does not come free though. I need to simply copy and paste. So it is as easy as a-b-c as the saying goes. It's the sheer volume of files that is of concern.
On 08/12/2016 14:47, Peter P. wrote:
* Erich Eckner <erich@xxxxxxxxxx> [2016-12-08 13:08]:On 08.12.2016 12:45, Peter P. wrote:* Dr. Mark Bugeja MD <marcusfb@xxxxxxxxx> [2016-12-08 12:00]:If Sox does not preserve loops and cues yet.... then please add that to the wish list. It would be very handy for several people doing serious digital sound processing. :-)I was thinking about the problem of markers in the file headers when mixing files together, as Dr. Mark is trying to do. What if the markers in the left channel and the right channel are not completely identical? I think this is a more complicated task than just copying input file markers to the output file when mixing.Hi, in that case I would propose to issue a warning and copy the markers from one source - this can be achieved without understanding the markers. A more elaborate solution could use both markers, but ommit markers which are too close together. This, however requires extracting and understanding the information of the markers.Thanks for your Ideas Erich! As someone else already said it is not precisely known how sox handles markers, and I don't feel that it should become a marker editing/merging application. Speaking of that, is anyone aware of audio editors / DAW that do precisely that, eg. displaying markers and allowing user to edit/rename them, espeicllay on linux? Thanks! Peter ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms. With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE. Training and support from Colfax. Order your platform today. ______________________________ _________________ Sox-users mailing list Sox-users@lists.sourceforge. net
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