Hi SELinux Community! For those of you that are on the #selinux IRC channel, we've moved our primary channel to Libera.Chat from Freenode. A large number of the regulars on IRC have already found it but just wanted to post the info here in case anyone hasn't found the new channel yet :) IRC Link: ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/selinux Webchat Link: https://web.libera.chat/?channel=#selinux More info on connecting can be found here: https://libera.chat/guides/connect The website has more info on how to auth with SASL or CertFP for several common IRC clients too. I have added info on the github wiki, if you know of other places that need to be updated still, let me know and I'll try take care of that. And as always, please remember to keep the channel respectful and civil :) See you all there! :) Wkr, Jason