Re: Defining SELinux users, "Unable to get valid context...". Help!

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Peter Whittaker <peterwhittaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 1:08 PM Topi Miettinen <toiwoton@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 13.2.2021 18.09, Dominick Grift wrote:
>> > Peter Whittaker <peterwhittaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> >>      1. Of the changes I have applied over the last 1-3 days,
>> >>          what is the minimum set required to achieve this? My
>> >>          immediate future includes bisection.
>> >
>> > Yes i guess work your way back and see...
> Well, this turned out to be more difficult than I had hoped. I made a
> stupid decision when I was committing changes, amending previous
> commits instead of letting them pile on. I did it to avoid excessive
> commit history and that was a stupid choice - I cannot bisect what I
> do not have - I won't do that again.
> I decided to take a different tack, and that has some interesting
> results: I have two user types that must be able to connect to the
> box, auditors and transfer initiators; my results so far have involved
> transfer initiators, which work at the local console but not over SSH,
> so I decided to duplicate what I have for transfer initiators and see
> if I could get auditors to work.
> Long story short, I cannot: The key point seems to be that only some
> of the contexts that become valid for
> CDTml_high2local_u/xferHigh2Local_t (transfer initiators) become valid
> for CDTml_auditor_u/xferAudit_t. I'll point that out below in the
> journalctl extracts....
>> >>       2. Why doesn't it work with SSH, when it does work with
>> >>            the console (yes, the ssh_sysadm_login is on)?
>> >
>> > see if the ssh daemon runs with the expected:
>> > system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0 context (ps auxZ | grep ssh)
> It does: See the shell output, below. Everything else checks out too, AFAICT.
>>> genconlist
>>> getdefaultcon
>> There's also `sedta` (Debian: setools package) which AFAICT walks
>> through the login process (except for the part that tries to find out
>> the default context for the user):
> The sedta utility is not available in my setools, which are still back
> at version 3; I could build it, but I am worried about the overall
> SELinux installation getting too far ahead of the version I need to
> work with (long story, customer related). The same
> limitations/concerns prevent me from doing much with
> getconlist/getdefaultcon.
> I am going to have to bite the bullet and do most/all of my
> development/test on very recent Fedora, then rebuild on the older RHEL
> I have to work with. I'm not up for that this weekend, I'll look at
> this for Monday. Which is a holiday. Sigh.
> In the meantime, I've run some comparisons with interesting results.
> Apologies for the excess quantities of logs, etc., it seemed relevant.
> Remember that transfer users can login at the console and get the
> right context, but do not get the correct context via SSH (though they
> can login), while auditors can log in on both and get bogus contexts
> on both. There are clues in the journalctl output, but I cannot
> interpret them.
> WRT all of what follows, I've attached the current CDTml.te; yes, it
> misses the domain type, but at this point, I want to identify why the
> two different types of users are treated differently. This is all
> under permissive mode.
> Shell commands to compare the two types of users, their policies, and
> to verity that things are installed and labelled as expected:
> % seinfo -xuCDTml_high2local_u
>    CDTml_high2local_u
>       default level: s0
>       range: s0
>       roles:
>          object_r
>          CDTml_high2local_r
> % seinfo -xuCDTml_auditor_u
>    CDTml_auditor_u
>       default level: s0
>       range: s0
>       roles:
>          object_r
>          CDTml_auditor_r
> % seinfo -xrCDTml_high2local_r
>    CDTml_high2local_r
>       Dominated Roles:
>          CDTml_high2local_r
>       Types:
>          xferHigh2Local_t
>          xferHigh2Local_exec_t
> % seinfo -xrCDTml_auditor_r
>    CDTml_auditor_r
>       Dominated Roles:
>          CDTml_auditor_r
>       Types:
>          xferAudit_t
>          xferAudit_exec_t
> % seinfo -xtxferHigh2Local_t
>    xferHigh2Local_t
>       CDTml_types
>       process_user_target
>       userdomain
> % seinfo -xtxferAudit_t
>    xferAudit_t
>       CDTml_types
>       process_user_target
>       userdomain

Where is "domain"?

> % semanage user -l (trimmed to just these two)
> CDTml_auditor_u user       s0         s0
> CDTml_auditor_r
> CDTml_high2local_u user       s0         s0
>  CDTml_high2local_r
> % semanage login -l (trimmed to just these two)
> %CDTml_high2local    CDTml_high2local_u   s0                   *
> %xferAuditGroup      CDTml_auditor_u      s0                   *
> % ps auxZ |grep sshd
> system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0     root       1939  0.0  0.2 156816  5588
> ?        Ss   13:25   0:00 sshd: pww [priv]
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 pww 1942 0.0
> 0.1 156816 2512 ? S 13:25   0:00 sshd: pww@pts/0
> system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0     root       2071  0.0  0.3 156816  5592
> ?        Ss   13:30   0:00 sshd: pww [priv]
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 pww 2074 0.0
> 0.1 156816 2512 ? S 13:30   0:00 sshd: pww@pts/1
> system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0     root      58459  0.0  0.2 112936  4292
> ?        Ss   14:10   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 root 61323 0.0
> 0.0 112808 952 pts/0 S+ 14:50   0:00 grep sshd
> % ls -lZ /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_auditor_u
> -rw-r--r--. root root system_u:object_r:default_context_t:s0
> /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_auditor_u
> % ls -lZ /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_high2local_u
> -rw-r--r--. root root system_u:object_r:default_context_t:s0
> /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_high2local_u
> % cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_auditor_u
> system_r:crond_t:s0                              CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> system_r:initrc_su_t:s0                          CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> system_r:local_login_t:s0                        CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> system_r:remote_login_t:s0                       CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> system_r:sshd_t:s0                               CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0                     CDTml_audit_r:xferAudit_t:s0
> % cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/CDTml_high2local_u
> system_r:crond_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> system_r:initrc_su_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> system_r:local_login_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> system_r:remote_login_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> system_r:sshd_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> So far, everything compares cleanly: All file contents and contexts
> are correct and, as far as the commands above are concerned, the two
> user types and roles have similar properties.
> journalctl is where things are interesting; I'll add commentary to the
> journalctl results IN CAPS (annoying but easy to pick out:
> install the PP and semanage to set up users and mappings; it also
> creates the first Linux user of each type.
> INSTALLING THE RPM: Base groups are created
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57256]: group added to
> /etc/group: name=CDTml_high2local, GID=2105
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57256]: group added to
> /etc/gshadow: name=CDTml_high2local
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57256]: new group:
> name=CDTml_high2local, GID=2105
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57261]: group added to
> /etc/group: name=xferAuditGroup, GID=2200
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57261]: group added to
> /etc/gshadow: name=xferAuditGroup
> Feb 13 14:09:53 localhost.localdomain groupadd[57261]: new group:
> name=xferAuditGroup, GID=2200
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:system_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:system_r:xferAudit_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:system_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:system_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:unconfined_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:unconfined_r:xferAudit_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:unconfined_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:unconfined_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became
> valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:system_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:system_r:xferAudit_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:system_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:39 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:system_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became
> valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:xferAudit_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> unconfined_u:unconfined_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 became
> valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:object_r:xferAudit_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:object_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:40 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> system_u:object_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0 became valid
> (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_exec_t:s0 became
> valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:tty_device_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:cache_home_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:config_home_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:10:53 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:11:03 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_auditor_u:CDTml_auditor_r:xferAudit_t:s0 became valid (mapped).
> Feb 13 14:11:03 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux:  Context
> CDTml_auditor_u:CDTml_auditor_r:xferAudit_exec_t:s0 became valid
> (mapped).
> SIX FOR transfer initiators. WHAT CAUSES THE MISS?
> CONTEXT FOR icmc01
> Feb 13 14:13:41 localhost.localdomain sshd[58993]:
> pam_selinux(sshd:session): Username= icmc01 SELinux User=
> CDTml_high2local_u Level= s0
> Feb 13 14:13:41 localhost.localdomain sshd[58993]:
> pam_selinux(sshd:session): Selected Security Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> Feb 13 14:13:41 localhost.localdomain sshd[58993]:
> pam_selinux(sshd:session): Checking if
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0 mls range
> valid for  CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> Feb 13 14:13:41 localhost.localdomain sshd[58993]:
> pam_selinux(sshd:session): Security context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0 is not
> allowed for CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> WHAT? ^^^ WHY NOT?
> Feb 13 14:14:08 localhost.localdomain sshd[59060]:
> pam_selinux(sshd:session): Username= audit01 SELinux User=
> CDTml_auditor_u Level= s0
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Username= icmc01 SELinux User=
> CDTml_high2local_u Level= s0
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Set file context of tty /dev/tty1:
> [system_u:object_r:tty_device_t:s0] ->
> [CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:tty_device_t:s0]
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Set executable context: [] ->
> [CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0]
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Security Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0 Assigned
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Set key creation context to
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0
> Feb 13 14:14:23 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Key Creation Context
> CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0 Assigned
> Feb 13 14:14:28 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Restore file context of tty /dev/tty1:
> [CDTml_high2local_u:object_r:tty_device_t:s0] ->
> [system_u:object_r:tty_device_t:s0]
> Feb 13 14:14:28 localhost.localdomain login[1936]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Restore executable context:
> [CDTml_high2local_u:CDTml_high2local_r:xferHigh2Local_t:s0] -> []
> Feb 13 14:14:33 localhost.localdomain login[59190]:
> pam_selinux(login:session): Username= audit01 SELinux User=
> CDTml_auditor_u Level= s0
> At this point, I think audit01 fails to get their context because of
> the six "missing" mappings, but I do not understand why SSHD is
> rejecting the context for icmc01 that local login happily accepts.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> P

gpg --locate-keys dominick.grift@xxxxxxxxxxx
Key fingerprint = FCD2 3660 5D6B 9D27 7FC6  E0FF DA7E 521F 10F6 4098
Dominick Grift

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