On 05/20/2014 11:57 AM, Richard Haines wrote:
Just been testing the latest fix for expanding classmapping and found that if the
classes are unique, then it works okay. If there are repeated classes then I get
this error in the example below when the binary is being generated:
"Type default labeling for class binder already specified"
OK. This has been fixed and pushed to bitbucket.
I have also pushed the new syntax for classpermissionsets and classmappings.
Class-permission sets are now declared with a classpermission statement and the
set is defined with one or more classpermissionset statements.
(classpermission foo)
(classpermissionset foo (file (not execute)))
(classpermissionset foo (char (read write)))
One or more classmapping statements are now used to define a class map instead
of a list of class and permissions.
(classmap bar baz)
(classmapping bar baz (file (not execute)))
(classmapping bar baz (char (read write)))
Neither a classpermissionset nor a classmapping are now allowed to have a list
of class and permissions.
Now illegal syntax:
(classpermissionset foo ((file (not execute)) (char (read write))))
If anyone has suggestions on the syntax and statement names of CIL, now would be
a good time to bring them up while we still have the flexibility to change things.
James Carter <jwcart2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
National Security Agency
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