I haven't tested any runtime performance just compile-time and policy size. All this is done on my old Dell D410 with a 1.73GHz Pentium M. On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 03:02:44PM +0200, Ole Kliemann wrote: > But if there was a performance problem with a lot of types, at > what number n would it start to hit hard? And how does it > increase (linear, quadratic...)? n=10000, i.e. 20000 types, 10000 attributes and a handful of allows per type and attribute in one module. compilation is okay, but inserting the said module with semodule... well at 18min CPU-time I killed the process... who knows what size this policy would have had... n=5000, i.e. 10000 types, 5000 attributes and a handful of allows per type and attribute in one module. inserting the module in about 5m30s walltime. policy is 13M of size. n=1000, i.e. 2000 types, 1000 attributes and a handful of allows per type and attribute in one module. inserting the module in about 9s walltime. policy is 2.5M of size. Apparently the runtime of inserting the module is fataly steep in n. Rough estimation would be at least n^2, could be higher depending on how long n=10000 would have actually taken. > And would it be better performance-wise to run a MCS-policy with > say categories c0.cn than to have types c0_t, ... cn_t? n=10000, i.e. 10000 categories, one sensitivity and a handful of mlsconstraints inserting the module in about 8s walltime. policy is 284K of size. Of course this is a very rough and inprecise testing. But I guess one can say that the policy infrastructure get's into trouble with high type count whereas a high category count seems to be handled flawlessly.
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