Thank you for selinux. I have been trying to run it on our machines especially any public facing and servers. We use audit2allow and generate mods. I did not find a 'dumb users forum'. Could you point me to a place to find this or suggest how to fix this? I worked with our local expert on selinux. (I can repeat this if that helps). I was not able to get VirtualGL and selinux to work together. It is something during boot time it seems. I have tried generating rules based on audit/audit.log. The VirtualGL web states they don't know how to make it work either. I have tried in permissive mode after boot and that did not work either, which is why I think it is something during boot time. Like the device setup. My guess is related to: /dev/dri as it sets up these and then access to the /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiactl are restricted to vglusers group (in my case it can be configured with/without group restriction). From VirtualGL website they also have: vglgenkey IssuesCurrently, the
only known way to make Perhaps someone with a greater knowledge of SELinux can explain how to disable enforcement only for GDM and not the whole system. |