At 2011-03-18£¬"Stephen Smalley" <sds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 08:43 +0800, Yao wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> I looked at linux-2.6.36/security/selinux/ss/*.c and found most source
>> files include <linux/***.h>
>> I know security server need to use some of kernel data structures.
>> But does ss use kernel fuctions?
>> Is it possible to modify security server and make it self-contained if
>> ss used kernel function?
>The original security server code was developed for another OS
>(Fluke/Flask) and then ported to Linux. There are a small number of
>fundamental dependencies on the runtime environment, like memory
>allocation, logging/auditing, locking, etc. Over time, the security
>server code in Linux has become increasingly "nativized" for Linux so
>you may find further dependencies in the current code.
so, it's hard to modify ss to make it self-contained, right?
I just wonder if there is a security module without invoking kernel function but to support flask, though kernel data is permitted...
Is AppArmor fit to my desire?
>You'll find other forms of the security server code that may be more
>portable in:
>1) The SELinux userspace (
>In particular, a copy of the security server code lives in libsepol.
>Originally there was a single code base shared between
>checkpolicy/libsepol and the kernel, but this was forked when SELinux
>went into mainline.
>2) The OSKit (
>This was used in Fluke/Flask. Security server is under security/, AVC
>is in com/avc.c.
>3) Various ports of SELinux to other systems
>Stephen Smalley
>National Security Agency
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