I'd like to share a blog article I wrote recently on troubleshooting SELinux problems. If more people knew how to troubleshoot and remediate permissions issues when they came up, fewer people would react by disabling SELinux at the first sign of trouble.
Don't Leave the Barn Door Open: Troubleshooting SELinux Issues
Any review comments would be welcome.
I'd also like to thank the SELinux community, including the NSA, Red Hat, the Fedora project, Tresys, and many others, for coming up with such a solid system.
Richard Bullington-McGuire | Director of Technology | Three Pillar Global
mobile: 571.236.0938 | fax: 703-564-5595 | PGP key ID: 0xDAC3028E
richard.bullington-mcguire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | www.threepillarglobal.com