Glenn is right that the Mitre LEF can only work on a per-system rather
than a per-user basis for disallowing certain classification and
compartment/category constraints. The only MLS system that I know of
that did what you are asking for is the old Addamax B1st system. That
MLS system had user clearances as a set of labels and label ranges that
allowed a specific user clearance to be something like:
{ unc - ts:1,2,3; unc:4 - sec:4 ; con:5 }
which would allow the user to be cleared from unc to ts in categories 1,
2, and 3 but have only a unc to sec clearance in category 4 and only con
for category 5.
Strictly speaking, a system can be "fully MLS" regardless of the
clearance functionality. Some MLS systems have been built (and bought)
without any notion of a user clearance at all, particularly some MLS
systems built to the first generation of TCSEC requirements.
Glenn Faden wrote:
rob myers wrote:
I believe the difference between SELinux with MLS policy and what I am
trying to build is that I want higher sensitivity levels to dominate
lower sensitivity levels only on a per category basis.
For example, it is my understanding that under MLS UserB must have
sensitivity level 3 access to category 3 because UserB has access to
sensitivity level 3 access to other categories. Another possibility
under MLS would be to remove UserB's access to category 3 for all
sensitivities. Neither of these is what I want the system to do.
For MLS systems based on the Mitre/DIA label encodings format it is
possible to exclude specific categories on a per sensitivity label
basis from the User Accreditation Range. For an example, see:
So it is possible to specify a User Accreditation Range conforming to
either the UserA or UserB matrix. However, the format only provides
for a single User Accreditiation Range that would apply to all users.
In MLS systems I'm familiar with, there is no facility to exclude
categories from the kernel dominance checks.
fn:Paul McNabb
org:Argus Systems Group
adr:;;1809 Woodfield Drive;Savoy;IL;61874-9505;USA
title:Chief Security Architect
tel;work:+1 217-355-6308
tel;fax:+1 217-355-1433
tel;cell:+1 217-493-3818