Re: [RFC 1/2] labeled ipsec internet drafts

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On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 12:49 -0400, David P. Quigley wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 11:17 -0500, Joy Latten wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 16:24 -0400, David P. Quigley wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 12:17 -0500, Joy Latten wrote:
> > > > On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 17:42 -0400, David P. Quigley wrote:
> > > > > On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 15:46 -0500, Joy Latten wrote:
> > > > > [Snip...]
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>        - doi (1 octet) - The first octet contains the security
> > > > > > >> label's domain of interpretation.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          The domain of interpretation can be viewed as a group of
> > > > > > >>          systems that agree on the meaning of particular values
> > > > > > >> within the security label of a security mechanism.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          The value of 1 is reserved as the default.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          Reserved       0
> > > > > > >>          Default        1
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>        - algorithm (1 octet) - The second octet contains the security
> > > > > > >>          label's algorithm.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >> Latten, et al.               Expires ?                          [Page
> > > > > > >> 3] 
> > > > > > >> Internet-Draft               IKEv1SecurityLabel                June
> > > > > > >> 2008
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          The security label's algorithm specifies the security
> > > > > > >>          mechanism or context in which the label is applicable. For
> > > > > > >>          example, the security label is interpreted within the
> > > > > > >> SELinux context.
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          Requests for assignment of additional algorithms should be
> > > > > > >>          addressed to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
> > > > > > >>
> > > > > > >>          Reserved       0
> > > > > > >>          SELinux        1
> > > > > > >>          Smack          2
> > > > > > >>          Private Use    120-128
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Is one octet enough here?  I honestly don't have a good idea as to how 
> > > > > > >much is enough, so a little justification of your choice (even if it 
> > > > > > >only lives in email, not in the spec) would be welcome.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I used one octet here because it is defined as one octet in the kernel's
> > > > > > sec_ctx structure. Originally, I think we used one octect for each
> > > > > > to keep within a 64-bit alignment requirement for pfkey. We thought
> > > > > > one octet would be enough...
> > > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > There are several documents being submitted as drafts to the IETF at the
> > > > > moment and all of them have different definitions of a DOI.
> > > > > 
> > > > > In your method you pair a mechanism with the DOI to form something along
> > > > > the lines of a (mechanism,policyversion) tuple. The question of if one
> > > > > octet is enough to identify all potential policies in a mechanism is
> > > > > unclear but I have a feeling the answer will be no.
> > > > > 
> > > > > The second method is in the SIPSO for IPv6 draft. In this the DOI is a
> > > > > 32 bit value existing as 4 octets. They partition off what are
> > > > > essentially address spaces to be used privately, by certain
> > > > > organizations, and they also keep a block for IETF considerations in
> > > > > later revisions of the specification. There is a lot of information in
> > > > > the document and most of it pertains to MLS labels.
> > > > > 
> > > > > The third method is in the label support for NFSv4 draft. In this we
> > > > > just define the DOI as a 32 big value. It is up to a translation daemon
> > > > > to decide if the endpoint has the knowledge and desire to translate
> > > > > labels from the foreign DOI to its own.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Regardless of which method is used we need to come to a consensus on
> > > > > what a DOI is and how we are going to represent it. We can't go to the
> > > > > IETF with 3 different definitions of a DOI.
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I just now quickly glanced at the CALIPSO draft as I had not read 
> > > > it before. I did read the labeled nfs draft a while back. 
> > > > 
> > > > I see what you mean. However, I guess I am feeling a bit wary since
> > > > the CALIPSO draft's description of the DOI and it's format seem to be
> > > > tailored specifically for MLS labels. The labeled ipsec's doi field had
> > > > a broader purpose in mind. 
> > > 
> > > Yea, it is unfortunate that CALIPSO is only for MLS labels. IPv6 is
> > > still growing in its deployment so it would be nice to have a robust and
> > > flexible method for conveying security labels from the start. For now it
> > > seems as if CALIPSO will try to go through just as MLS labels and then
> > > DTE or other security labels will have to create their own IP security
> > > option.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > > >I'm also concerned with the implied convention of assigning one value to 
> > > > > > >a particular implementation.  In the SELinux case, how do you deal with 
> > > > > > >a non-MLS/MCS policy such as Gentoo/Ubuntu talking to a MLS/MCS policy 
> > > > > > >such as Fedora/RHEL?  What about policies with different types?  
> > > > > > >Differing numbers of MLS sensitivity levels or categories?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Hmm... not sure I understand so I may not answer this correctly...
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The algorithm indicates the security mechanism.
> > > > > > In a way, it identifies the syntax/semantics of the 
> > > > > > security context to security mechanism, since security mechanisms 
> > > > > > may use different syntax/semantics for the security contexts. 
> > > > > > i.e. SELinux and SMACK.
> > > > > > The algorithm field in SELinux is used to "authorize" the security
> > > > > > context. In other words, SELinux only wants and understands
> > > > > > SELinux's security context syntax/semantics.
> > > > > > The "doi"  would be used for further differentiation within SELinux
> > > > > > domain. Far example, a sysadm wants to differentiate between SELinux
> > > > > > policy versions in his domain. He could used "doi" field to do this.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I suppose if you wanted two different security mechanisms to 
> > > > > > interoperate, a mapping of some sort would have to be created
> > > > > > between them. The security mechanisms would need
> > > > > > to indicate they accept (via the mapping) the other's
> > > > > > security context syntax/semantics. In other words, they would "authorize" 
> > > > > > the two different security contexts. It would do this via the 
> > > > > > "algorithm" and/or "doi" fields. I am thinking in this case, "doi" could
> > > > > > even indicate the mapping such as CIPSO's DOI does. 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I considered the information contained in the "algorithm" and 
> > > > > > "doi" fields required for interoperability, and the use
> > > > > > implementation specific.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > If this doesn't answer your question, let me know. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > I think what Paul might be asking is why is it better to have two
> > > > > fields, one for Security Mechanism and one for the DOI when that can be
> > > > > one field. If we go with a method similar to the second described above
> > > > > for DOIs you could have IANA allocate a range of DOIs for SELinux
> > > > > partitioning it off into a range for publicly assigned DOIs and
> > > > > privately managed DOIs. It is acceptable to have IANA create and
> > > > > populate a registry with values in the document.
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Ok, I understand now. Yes, that seems reasonable, fair, and flexible.
> > > > I can still keep semantics (a mechanism and ability to group or
> > > > differentiate).
> > > > 
> > > > So, a doi field that is 32 bits, with perhaps so much for SELinux,
> > > > further partitioned for public and private use. The same for Smack.
> > > > Right? And remaining for future use.
> > > 
> > > The standards people don't particularly care about specific security
> > > models in this case. I initially mentioned implementation specific
> > > details in my early labeled NFS drafts and was told that those aren't
> > > really a concern of the protocol. Since the label is a (DOI,<OPAQUE>)
> > > tuple it is up to whomever obtains a number from IANA to define the
> > > meaning of that DOI. However it should be written into the standard what
> > > information is recorded by IANA to bind to these numbers. Also do we see
> > > several registries? I really only see one registry that can be shared by
> > > all three of these drafts. I just hope they don't want us to write up an
> > > RFC for the definition and management of DOIs (it might happen that way
> > > though).
> > > 
> > 
> > Ok, gotta admit, I am a little confused as to how we could share the
> > same DOI registry with CALIPSO since they are using a dotted-quad format
> > right now? And it doesn't seem to accomodate but one DOI from IANA which
> > leaves me confused as to how I would get one and then partition it for
> > private and non-private uses.
> Well we might need to talk with the CALIPSO people to figure out a way
> that we can all use their DOI scheme. At its core their method just
> seems to be a dotted-quad format as you have said. IANA's job is to keep
> track of these dotted-quads. 
> Excerpt from CALIPSO Draft
> DOI Value                   Organisation or Use
>       =======================     ============================
>       0:0:0:0                     Null DOI; MUST NOT be used
>                                   on any network at any time.
>       0:0:0:1 to 0:255:255:255    For private use among
>                                   consenting parties within
>                                   private networks; for reasons
>                                   of interoperability, these
>                                   DOI values MUST NOT ever
>                                   appear on the global public
>                                   Internet.
>       1:0:0:0 to 254:255:255:255  For assignment by IANA to
>                                   organisations following the
>                                   guidelines in the paragraph
>                                   below.
>       255:0:0:0 to 255:0:0:0      Reserved to the IETF for
>                                   future use by possible
>                                   revisions of this specification.
> So according to this table IANA can assign anything in the range in section 3.
> This means if you wanted to you could ask IANA to reserve
> 1:0:1:*-1:0:2:* for SELinux DOIs stating that anything in the class C
> starting with 1 is public and starting with 2 is private.
> I am just taking the CALIPSO mechanism for DOIs here and not the
> requirements of how many are issued to what organizations and whatnot.
> This would need to be something discussed at the BOF.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. As you have stated is how I interpreted
the draft. Because there were restrictions on how many DOIs could be
issued to an organization, I became concerned and thought perhaps I had
not interpreted correctly.

> > 
> > Because there is already a working prototype of labeled ipsec in
> > Linux, I would have very much like to get assignments from IANA
> > now for SELinux. I would like to make necessary modifications to Linux
> > kernel and userspace soon as possible because it would seem odd to me to
> > have an internet draft and a prototype that does not comply to it. It
> > would also help to set a precedent of what would be required when asking
> > for DOI assignments ( I hope I said that correctly).
> >  
> > > > 
> > > > Would this be a consensus in regards to DOI for labeled nfs, labeled
> > > > ipsec, and CALIPSO drafts?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > I would like to think that we could establish one definition of a DOI
> > > for IETF documents. I spoke with several people at the last IETF meeting
> > > and they said that we need to stay consistent here. I will be trying to
> > > organize a security label BOF at the next IETF meeting so we can sit
> > > down and discuss the way things should work. I doubt this will spawn a
> > > working group for security labels but we could come to a consensus on
> > > certain things.
> > > 
> > 
> > Ahh, ok. Please let me know if you schedule this BOF.
> > I guess my concern is I want to get my drafts submitted now.
> > Because there is a working prototype, I felt it best
> > to go ahead and ask for the IANA assignments now.
> > But I do agree with what you are saying... just need to figure
> > out how I should proceed...
> Don't fall into the same trap that I did initially thinking that just
> because you submitted a draft that it is set in stone. It is common for
> a draft to change many times even before it hits the implementation
> phase of the standards process. Then once you have multiple people
> implementing the standard you will probably run into other problems that
> you didn't think of initially. It is a good idea for you to submit the
> draft with your concept of a DOI at this point since it gives us several
> drafts to consider in the BOF. 
Ok, thanks. I will take that advice to heart.
When you recommend submitting my draft with my concept of DOI,
do you mean as I originally had it with algorithm and doi field of one
octet each, or in a more generic manner as the labeled NFS draft?
I am open to what this community thinks is best way to do it at this

> Something else to remember is that the fast paced development model of
> the Linux community doesn't mesh well with the IETF process. I was at
> the NFSv4 WG meeting in Dublin and I had asked about getting my work
> added to the charter. They said it could be done between meetings which
> is a good thing. To this I responded that it was good that this could be
> done quickly and that I didn't have to wait four months to get it done.
> One of the directors replied well four months is quick. So patience is a
> virtue in this venue.

Gotta remember that. :-)
It has taken so long to get the drafts to this point that I guess I 
am somewhat anxious. :-) 

> About the BOF, I sent an email to the Security Area Director about
> setting up a BOF and it was suggested that we start with a Bar BOF
> first. This type of BOF isn't as formal as a normal one but regular BOFs
> are usually formed for the purpose of trying to start a working group.
> Even though it is an informal BOF it still needs to have a clear purpose
> and a set of goals to accomplish. The main issue I see at the moment is
> going to be DOIs. Like we've seen we have three competing definitions of
> them and it would be nice to nail it down to one that we can all agree
> on.
> However this doesn't necessarily have to be the only thing we discuss.
> When I post the information about the Bar BOF I am going to do a call
> for participation for other topics as well. For all we know there might
> be other security label people lurking in other working groups that
> might have topics they want to discuss.
Ok. I am definitely interested.



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